Personal Territory: Self Guided Tour Kit


Take a tour in a jar!  Now that I have thoroughly explored my territory, it is time to construct a tour kit.  This tour kit is supposed to be designed so that the tourist can take them self on a self guided tour of the area.  In my tour kit I have included instructions and a map detailing how  to get to the Green Monster.  My map is illustrated so that is gives very basic instruction and is not to confusing.  Accompanying the map is 21 images that the tourist can follow as they travel to make sure they are going the right way.

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In the jar is also a plastic bag and 10 rocks.  These items are to help the tourist better interact with the space.  As I climbed the stairs I noticed a fair bit of pollution on and around the stair case.  The bag is for the tourist to collect some of this rubble there in leaving the space cleaner and more pleasant than when they arrived.

The rocks are to serve as a sort of bread crumb.  They are something non intrusive to the space that can mark their progress.  It is no easy trek up the Green Monster and as they ascend they can keep track of their progress.  Once the jar is empty it too becomes part of the tour.  When I completed my exploration dealing with trees I collected my findings in this very same jar.  I was extremely pleased with how all of the information I collected looked when displayed in the jar.  It was a compact, miniature, terrarium like space that represented my territory.  As the tourist moves through the space they are encouraged to do the same and collect bits and pieces of their surroundings and place them in the jar.

One thought on “Personal Territory: Self Guided Tour Kit

  1. […] was the day that all of our self guided tours were due!  Before we traded tour kits we were instructed to go through our kits and reduct them. […]

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